The autocrat Trump praised as “pretty smart,” Russian President Vladimir Putin, signed legislation on 2013 to ban the “promotion of nontraditional sexual relations to minors,” which, writes Human Rights Watch, is “a reference universally understood to mean a ban on providing children access to information about LGBT people’s lives… The law has been used to shut down websites that provide valuable information and services to teens across Russia and to bar LGBT support groups from working with youth. Despite being outsized and out resourced, Ukraine has stymied or slowed much of the Russian invasion effort. The effect has been to shrink the Russian economy 35% in the second quarter of 2022 and 7% for the entire year. removing Russia from SWIFT which handles about 70% of Russian banking transactions barring any new oil and gas deals with Russia and other sanctions. Someone replied, “We’re over here.” Trump pointed at them and said, “You don’t look gay,” which elicited laughs from the audience.Ġ2.24.22 Praised Russian President Vladimir Putin, saying at a Florida fundraiser, he is “pretty smart… He’s taken over a country for $2 worth of sanctions… taking over a country-really a vast, vast location, a great piece of land with a lot of people-and just walking right in.” In fact the sanctions include: freezing the global banking assets of Putin, various government officials, and some oligarchs immobilizing the assets of the Russian Central Bank and cutting off Russian banks from business with the U.S.

“Where’s Gays for Trump?” Trump asked a crowd of supporters at the event which was raising funds for congressional candidate John Gibbs.

03.01.22 Told a gay supporter they did not “look gay” during a fundraiser at Mar-a-Lago.